Myanmar delegation’s visit strengthens friendship with China

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Delegates of the Myanmar-China Friendship Association pose for the group documentary photo at the Mangshi Golden Pagoda during their five-day visit to China.

A delegation consisting of 22 members, led by U Khin Oo (aka) U Shin Phu, Vice-Chairman of the Myanmar-China Friendship Association (Central) and In Charge of the Muse District, departed from Mandalay for Mangshi by air on 29 May, upon invitation from the government of Dehong Prefecture of China.
During the five-day trip from 29 May to 2 June, the delegation engaged in discussions on cultural and educational sectors explored scholarships in nursing and traditional medicine, visited companies and factories, paid homage to the Mangshi Golden Pagoda, made cash donations, and fostered friendly relations with the Chinese people. The Myanmar delegation returned yesterday evening.
Additionally, Rector Dr Myintzu Min from Mohnyin University attended the 11th World Women University Presidents Forum held at Huanghe S&T University, Hunan Province, People’s Republic of China, from 24 to 29 May. The event was organized by the Myanmar-China Friendship Association (Central), and over 270 representatives from 65 countries participated in the forum, discussing and exchanging views on various sectors of education. — MNA/MKKS

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