Myanmar delegates tour China’s renowned sties

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Delegations, including Myanmar delegates, who attended the 5th Lancang-Mekong Audiovisual Week, pose for the documentary group photo at the Chengjiang Fossil Site Natural History Museum in Yuxi City, on 18 June 2024.

The Myanmar delegation led by Union Minister for Information U Maung Maung Ohn on Tuesday visited famous sites in Kunming and Yuxi of Yunnan Province, China, together with representatives of Lancang-Mekong member countries and South Asian countries after attending the fifth Lancang-Mekong Audiovisual Week.
On arrival at the Kunming University of Science and Technology on 18 June, the delegates observed the learning sessions, innovative science and technology, AI research and science labs and interpretation of 108 languages, including Viet Nam, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia and Thai.
The university was established in 1954, and there are now over 53,000 students, including 583 international students.
They also proceeded to Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co Ltd, where they studied the production of Winona cosmetics and skin care products.
The company was founded in 2019 and is conducting research and developing sensitive skincare products that are leading the skincare brands.
In the evening, they also visited the Chengjiang Fossil Site Natural History Museum in Yuxi and observed the 300 specimens of 20 different fossils displayed with a digital system, electric and sound system at the three-storey building.
The museum was constructed in 2014, became Asia’s only fossil natural heritage site, and was inscribed on the World Heritage List.
Moreover, the delegates headed to Marfan village in Chengjiang of Yuxi district and observed the preserved museum, collective shops, traditional food stalls, sales of farm products and so on.
The village won Yunnan’s Beautiful Village in 2019, One Village One Product Award in 2021 and a five-star beautiful village award in 2023.
They also visited the 83-hectare FuHoiWan beach that stretches 2600 metres from east to west. — MNA/KTZH

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