Myanmar delegates join ASEAN Parties Against Corruption meeting

Myanmar Anti-Corruption Commission Deputy Permanent Secretary U Kyaw Soe and representatives attended the 20th ASEAN Parties Against Corruption (ASEAN-PAC) meeting held at Ang Thong Hotel in Luang Prabang, Laos, on 9-10 July.
They also joined Strengthening Capacity on Investigation and Asset Recovery for ASEAN-PAC Authorities Coordination Meeting jointly held by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes-UNODC and the State Inspection Authority of Lao PDR-SIA on 11 July together with ASEAN-PAC members.
The meetings focused on approving the minutes of the 19th meeting of the ASEAN-PAC, held on 16 and 17 August 2023 during the alternate chairmanship of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACU) of Cambodia. ASEAN representatives underscored the issue of the official distribution of the ASEAN-PAC e-booklet and the implementation of the ASEAN-PAC 2023-2025 Action Plan.
In addition, they discussed the ASEAN-PAC Contact List, including the preparation for the 20th Leaders’ Meeting to be hosted by the Corruption Eradication Commission of Indonesia-KPK in 2024, as well as the points to be prepared for the ASEAN-PAC workshop to be held in 2024.
The Myanmar Anti-Corruption Commission stated the agenda of the meeting and also presented the Myanmar Anti-Corruption Commission’s anti-corruption activities, including cooperation with regional anti-corruption organizations, including the ASEAN Anti-Corruption Group ASEAN-PAC. Myanmar representatives discussed the signing of a memorandum of understanding with some member countries and the work to be done in the future.
The Myanmar delegates also attended the Strengthening Capacity on Investigation and Asset Recovery for ASEAN-PAC Authorities Coordination Meeting on 11 July, focusing on future agendas. — MNA/KZL

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