Myanmar CDC, China CDC sign MoU for enhanced health cooperation

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Officials from both sides pose for the group documentary photo at yesterday’s MoU-signing ceremony.

The signing ceremony for the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Myanmar Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the China Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) took place at the Myanmar CDC Centre and Training School in Dekkhinathiri Township, Nay Pyi Taw, yesterday afternoon.
During the ceremony, Dr Myint Myint Than, Director-General of the Public Health Department representing Myanmar CDC, and Prof Li Qun, Deputy Director-General of China CDC, signed the MoU. This agreement outlines cooperation between Myanmar and China in various fields, including infectious disease control and prevention such as TB, HIV, dengue fever, and other communicable diseases. Additionally, it covers non-communicable disease prevention and treatment like diabetes and hypertension, enhancing laboratory capabilities, developing healthcare professionals, arranging study tours for health personnel, conducting joint research, and facilitating rapid responses to public health emergencies.
The MoU signing ceremony was also attended by Deputy Minister for Health Dr Aye Tun, Mr Ouyang Daobing, the commercial attaché of the Chinese Embassy in Yangon, along with officials from Myanmar CDC, China CDC, Yunnan Disease Control and Prevention Administration, and the National Institute of Parasite Disease (China CDC).
Following the ceremony, it was reported that the 8th Myanmar-China Bilateral Workshop on Infectious Diseases and Malaria Control proceeded as planned. — MNA/TKO

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