Myanmar calls for concrete collaboration at 17th AMMTC

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Union Home Affairs Minister Lt-Gen Yar Pyae are seen (second from left) attending the 17th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting in Indonesia.

Lt-Gen Yar Pyae, a member of the State Administration Council and Union Minister for Home Affairs, called for more concrete collaboration between ASEAN nations and other nations at the global level to combat transnational crimes at the AMMTC meeting on 21 August.
The Union minister made the call at a 17th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime and its Related Meetings held in Labuan Bajo, Indonesia, from 20 to 23 August. In the meeting, he presented Myanmar’s current operations against human trafficking resulting from online scams, crackdowns on cyber crimes and causalities by many forms of violence within the country. The minister also cautioned, referring to the Global Peace Index 2023, a future global threat posed by drone attacks as violent groups start committing crimes by using drones.
Lt-Gen Yar Pyae had a separate meeting with Mr Xu Datong, Vice-Minister for Public Security, China, on 21 August, to discuss matters pertaining to the convening of ministerial-level meetings under the MoU between the two countries, combatting online scams rampant in border areas, information sharing and bolstering collaboration on combatting narcotic drugs and controlling precursor chemicals.
Lt-Gen Yar Pyae encouraged the member countries of the 10th AMMTC + China Consultation meeting on 22 August to strengthen their cooperation in combatting crimes using technological opportunities resulting from globalization. He also presented in the meeting the measures taken by Myanmar in the implementation of the 2017-2023 MoU between ASEAN and China to cooperate in the field of non-traditional security issues. A joint statement was issued in the 10th AMMTC + China Consultation meeting.
At the 8th AMMTC + Japan Consultation meeting and the 3rd AMMTC + ROK Consultation meeting, while confronting a comment by Japan’s AMMTC leader on the current internal affairs of Myanmar Lt-Gen Yar Pyae notified that the current meeting was to share the views on transnational crime suppression and cooperation between the member nations and not a venue for discussing internal affairs of a country. The situation happening in Myanmar is not an issue of the countries within the region, but it is just an internal affair of Myanmar, he further explained.
He stressed that countries willing to discuss matters relating to political issues in Myanmar could seek a separate meeting. He also underscored that ASEAN countries can peacefully coexist without interfering with the internal issues of other member countries.
Myanmar AMMTC delegation led by Lt-Gen Yar Pyae arrived back home yesterday. — MNA/TH

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