MRF announces affordable rice sale in Yangon Region

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Rice bags are well-organized for sale at the super market.

The Myanmar Rice Federation (MRF) has announced the sale of Shwebo Pawsan, Ayeyawady Pawsan, and Aemahta rice at affordable prices for consumers in Yangon Region.
Starting on 24 June, MRF, in collaboration with rice companies and warehouses of brotherhood associations, will sell rice at Yangon’s Wahdan Rice Warehouse and Bayintnaung Rice Warehouse from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm.
The sale is intended for public consumption, and each household can purchase one bag of Pawsan rice and one bag of Aemahta rice per month. To make a purchase, buyers must present a photocopy of the household member list and the citizenship scrutiny card of a member listed in the household.
The announcement specifies that rice will not be sold to retail sellers. — TWA/TKO

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