MPT launches pilot 5G network in select locations this June

photo 2024 06 11 17 32 54
An informative image for MPT 5G network.

A 5G network will be available for trial in some locations in June, a telecom operator MPT announced on its website.
MPT, a leading operator in Myanmar, has been upgrading and expanding its high-speed LTE (4G) network across the nation and 5G pilot areas are another effort by MPT.
With 5G, speed will be fast with little waiting time, and it will bring special experiences to users and firms.
MPT conducted LTE upgrades in Yangon and Mandalay last year.
According to the GSMA website, 261 operators in 101 countries started to deploy a 5G network by January 2024, while MPT will be included as a 5G service provider in Myanmar.
“We are trying our best to bring world-class communication technology to the Myanmar users. With the latest 5G technology, users can download fast and watch live streaming smoothly. Besides, gamers will have a better experience. The 5G technology will enable more innovation to create new economic models and improve productivity in all sectors, including the economy. So, we would like to welcome MPT users to join our new journey,” said Mr Yoshihisa Ouchi, Deputy CEO, in a statement.
Those interested can visit MPT’s 5G demonstration in June, and details of the event will be announced on the MPT website. — Htet Oo Maung/ZN/ED

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