MPF members should strive for becoming public reliable law enforcers while serving duties in line with police disciplines and ethics: Vice-Senior General

KAT 4166
State Administration Council Vice-Chairman Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win addresses the 58th Anniversary of the Myanmar Police Force in Nay Pyi Taw on 1 October 2022.

All retired police must be organized as a force of the State, said Vice-Chairman of the State Administration Council Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win at the ceremony to mark the 58th Anniversary of the Myanmar Police Force at the Myanmar International Convention Centre-II in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday morning.
Speaking on the occasion, the Vice-Senior General said the Myanmar Police Force in successive eras has been implementing four objectives: to take security measures and peace and tranquillity of the region, ensure the prevalence of law and order, prevent narcotic drugs and carry out public welfare tasks.
As breaking the existing laws, decreasing and increasing crimes depend on social problems, low standard of education, economic problems and drug problems, existing laws and judicial system are not enough, and all relevant ministries, local and foreign organizations, and all walks of life must join hands with the MPF in respective sectors.
In the globalization era, any single country is difficult to solve transnational crimes but they can be solved through bilateral cooperation among the countries. To do so, Myanmar joined INTERPOL on 1 January 1954 to cooperate with member police forces of countries in exchange for information.
Especially, it is necessary to implement the suppression of terror acts, drug trafficking and trafficking in persons through memoranda of understanding and agreements signed with neighbouring countries and regional countries in line with local laws and rules.
The State Administration Council formed the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control with 19 members in 2022 and assigned 21 duties.
Being a member of the ASEAN, Myanmar has signed letters of agreement and memoranda of understanding together with the US, Bangladesh, China, India, Korea, Laos, the Philippines, Russia, Thailand and Viet Nam while actively participating in drug control measures with ASEAN countries and neighbouring countries as well as international organizations.
MPF seized drugs worth more than K970 billion (approximately US$606.4306 million) in 2021 and more than K708 billion (approximately US$383.199 million) within six months from 1 January to 10 July 2022. It shows excellent performances and dutiful acts of MPF and drug abuse control bodies.
On 26 June 2022, the 35th International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking ceremony was held in conjunction with the setting fire to incinerate seized drugs worth K1,188 billion (US$642.608 million) took place in Mandalay, Yangon and Taunggyi.
Moreover, MPF has been combating trafficking in persons as a national duty since 1997 in close cooperation with trafficking in person treaty member countries, region and neighbouring countries and international organizations. The SAC enacted a new law on trafficking in persons on 16 June 2022.
The money laundering body needs to take severe action against those who commit money laundering and financing of terrorists and prevention of interference in the administration, economic and social sectors of the State through money laundering and financing of terrorists through the cooperation of government departments and relevant organizations.
To be a capable international standard police force, police members are sent abroad to study training on technologies, foreign languages, and cybercrime cases to have high capacity among police members.
As part of recognizing dutiful performance, the State awarded outstanding police members and promoted their ranks and acknowledged the police members who sacrificed life and limbs for the State.
Myanmar Police Veteran Organization was formed on 22 December 2021 with four objectives. Hence, all retired police must be organized to raise the number of members as a force of the State.
In the time of the SAC, the new Myanmar Police Force Law was enacted on 25 March 2022 for enabling MPF to become the police force which protects the interests of the State and citizens under the law, to be reliable police, discharge duties of local security, the prevalence of law and order and law enforcement, capable police members, have high capacity in cooperation with international police forces and organizations and serve defence and security duties if necessary.
All police members must serve duties from the local police outposts to the region and state levels. MPF members should strive for becoming public reliable law enforcers while serving duties in line with police disciplines and ethics.
The Vice-Senior General then presented honorary gallantry medals to six police members, SAC member Union Minister for Home Affairs Lt-Gen Soe Htut honorary gallantry medals to three members, and four more medals for six family members and four members, respectively.
The Vice-Senior General viewed documentary photos, figurines, machinery, technological equipment, arms, uniforms, communication devices, machines searching for drugs and vehicles used by MPF at the exhibition to mark the 58th Anniversary of MPF.
At the second session of the ceremony, Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Chief of MPF Maj-Gen Zin Min Htet delivered a speech and presented honorary medals and gifts to outstanding police members. —MNA

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