Bamboo handicraft orders rise from restaurants, camps, hotels

photo 2024 06 12 15 47 38 2
Bamboo handicrafts made in Myanmar.

There have been more orders for bamboo handicrafts from restaurants, camps and hotels, according to bamboo craftsman U Kyaw Win.
Recently, camps and resorts were naturally decorated with bamboo materials, and the use of bamboo became widespread as bamboo buildings could balance the weather, he said.
“These days, local restaurants, resorts and hotels use more bamboo materials. People seem to value handmade materials. In the past, many bamboo materials used to be moth-eaten or mouldy. With higher technologies, such incidents have been reduced. Bamboo used to be cut in its season before, mainly for drying. Later, it is better as a system has emerged where bamboo can be used in all seasons”, he said.

photo 2024 06 12 15 47 39
Bamboo handicrafts made in Myanmar.

If a person is interested in bamboo handicrafts, he can run a cottage industry that can support their livelihood. Prices of bamboo handicrafts vary with the design and expertise of the innovator, and bamboo furniture for both commercial and home use can last for four to five years, he said.
“As it takes about two days to make a hat, it is expensive. It costs about K20,000, excluding material costs. Handmade materials take time. Despite using more materials, bamboo desks and chairs are cheaper at around K30,000-K40,000 because it is not time-consuming to make them,” he added.
A unique feature of bamboo handicrafts is that they can absorb body heat, and because of their health benefits, more people, including foreigners, prefer to buy such handmade goods.
By using bamboo materials, people can contribute to the conservation of nature and, at the same time, show their appreciation for income-generating and healthy handicrafts. — MT/ZN/ED

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