Monsoon paddy plantation in Sagaing region results in abundant harvests

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The Agriculture Department has cultivated 1,000 acres of model plot in Sagaing region to produce 100 baskets of monsoon paddy per acre in the five-year project. Picture shows one of these model plots.

The monsoon paddy, which has been cultivated to produce 100 baskets of monsoon paddy per acre in the five-year project, has been harvested abundantly in the Sagaing region, said U Aung Kyi Win, deputy head of the Region Agriculture Department.
“The department has cultivated 1,000 acres of model plot in Sagaing region to produce 100 baskets of monsoon paddy per acre in the five-year project. Now, the growers started harvesting and yielded about 120 or 130 baskets per acre of fresh paddy. It has yielded over 100 baskets per acre. The yield of the paddy is good due to the good weather and technical support from the department,” said the deputy head of the region department.
About 1,000 acres of the model plot were cultivated from June to September 2021 in the Sagaing region. Those are started harvesting in the first week of November. It has yielded about 130 baskets of fresh monsoon paddy and 108 baskets of dried paddy. The Agriculture Department made the five-year project (from 2021 to 2025) to produce 100 baskets of monsoon paddy per acre.
The department grew 80 acres of paddy in Sagaing district, 120 acres in Monywa district, 70 acres in Yinmabin district, 170 acres in Shwebo district, 60 acres in Kanbalu district, 180 acres in Katha district, 100 acres in Kalay district, 110 acres in Kawlin district, 30 acres in Mawlaik district, 50 acres in Tamu district and 30 acres in Hkamti district in Sagaing region.
In next 2022, the Sagaing region is planning to grow 5,000 or 10,000 acres of monsoon paddy in the next monsoon paddy plantation season. The department will provide agriculture technology to become the rest of the plots as model plots. — Lu Lay/GNLM

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