MoNREC designates “Kaylatha Hill Protected Forest” to preserve biodiversity


The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (MoNREC), exercising authority under Section 6 (e) of the Forest Law enacted in 2018, declared 1,206 acres of land in Ywangan Township, Danu Self-Administered Zone, Shan State, as the “Kaylatha Hill Protected Forest” through Order No 46/2024 (6 June 2024).
The designation aims to preserve biodiversity, protect prohibited and other valuable trees long-term, maintain a green environment, regulate climate, and conserve spring water. MoNREC designates these public forests to achieve these goals.
The Kaylatha Hill Protected Forest designation will safeguard and enhance populations of significant tree species like Sal, Myanmar Ironwood, Indian laurel, gum-kino, Tamalan, Beechwood, Dahat teak, Salicaceae, and Eugenia. It will also protect endangered species such as Shortridge’s langur and diverse wildlife, including muntjacs, sambar deer, wild boar, rhesus monkey, jungle cat, red jungle fowl, peacock, various birds, and other fauna. Additionally, it will ensure that the water resources are sustainable and crucial for monks, missionaries, urban dwellers, and villagers alike. — MNA/TMT

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