MoIP Union Minister UN Interim Resident Coordinator & Humanitarian Coordinator

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Union Minister U Myint Kyaing meets UN Interim Resident Coordinator for Myanmar and Interim Humanitarian Coordinator Mr Marcoluigi Corsi at the ministry’s meeting hall in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.

Union Minister for Immigration and Population U Myint Kyaing received UN Interim Resident Coordinator for Myanmar and Interim Humanitarian Coordinator Mr Marcoluigi Corsi and the delegation at the ministry in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.
During the meeting, they exchanged views on terrorist attacks by AA insurgents in northern Rakhine State, temporary relocation of the staff of UN organizations working in the area to Sittway, Unique ID card verification process, verification of some of the UN staff who hold the identification card (NV Card), the condition that they must proceed in line with the procedure to obtain some kinds of cards and procedures for obtaining authorization for staff and families of United Nations organizations requesting travel and temporary residence.
Deputy Minister U Htay Hlaing and Dr Myo Thant, Permanent Secretary U Win Zaw Aung and officials attended the meeting. — MNA/TS

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