MoI Deputy Minister inspects bookstore and library of Sarpay Beikman

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Deputy Minister U Ye Tint looks into the Sarpay Beikman bookstore yesterday.

Deputy Minister U Ye Tint of the Ministry of Information looked round the bookshop and the library of Sarpay Beikman, located on Merchant Road, Kyauktada Township, Yangon yesterday morning.
First, the deputy minister observed the display and sale of books and the computer system installed for the readers to be able to read the books without difficulty.
Then, in his meeting with the Editor-in-Chief and the staff, the deputy minister called on them to help increase the people’s knowledge of literature, enhance the development of literature, fulfil the needs of the readers, be well-versed in their work and read constantly themselves.
Next, the deputy minister visited the photo-litho printing press in Bahan Township and inspected the printing process, the operation of machines and the storage of raw materials. — MNA/CT

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