MoHA Union Minister discusses custody of exhibits

DSC 28191 sskm
Union Minister Lt-Gen Yar Pyae chairs the first meeting of the Central Committee on Custody of Exhibits and Nay Pyi Taw, Region and State Committees on Custody of Exhibits yesterday.

The Central Committee on Custody of Exhibits and Nay Pyi Taw, Region and State Committees on Custody of Exhibits held the meeting 1/2024 at the Ministry of Home Affairs in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.
Speaking at the meeting, Union Minister for Home Affairs Lt-Gen Yar Pyae, who is also the Committee Chairman, said the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) added Myanmar to a list to watch the progress and issued eight recommendations and 15 actions to be carried out. Immediate Outcome 8.2 states that constructive resources should be provided to set up a management system for the custody of exhibits as per their values.
He then talked about the formation of the central committee, Nay Pyi Taw, Region/State and District level committees on 10 July 2020, and the reorganizing of committees with Order No 241/2023 of the State Administration Council on 6 December 2023.
He then urged the committee to follow the directive for custody of exhibits 4/2020 to prevent loss, deterioration or misappropriation of exhibits during the ongoing investigation, inquiry or trial by courts and to manage as per Notification 17/2017 of the Union Government and report to the central committee regarding the custody of exhibits.
After attendees coordinated the discussion, the Union minister concluded the meeting. —MNA/KTZH

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