MoHA Deputy Minister pays observation tours in Thailand

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The Myanmar delegation from the Ministry of Home Affairs and Thai delegation from Royal Thai Police Force pose for a documentary photo during the former’s tours in Thailand.

A delegation led by the Secretary of the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control (CCDAC) Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Chief of Myanmar Police Force Lt-Gen Ni Lin Aung made a study tour to Doitung, Chiang Rai Province, Thailand at the invitation of Mr Wichai Chaimongkhon, the Secretary General of the Office of the Narcotics Control Board (ONCB) on 21 August.
The delegation studied the sustainable alternative development projects being carried out by the Mae Fah Luang Foundation since 1998 and aimed to finish in 2051 with the support of the mother of King Rama 9 and ONCB in the area. The projects include perennial plantations, agricultural training, value-added products manufacturing and commercial forests and environment conservation services.
The delegation also visited the International Narcotics Control College-INCC and Safe Mekong Cooperation Centre-SMCC in Chiang Saen, Chiang Rai Province to observe the information-sharing processes of representative officials from six Mekong countries.
On 23 August, the delegation visited the area where the Roi Jai Rak project is being implemented by the Mae Fah Luang Foundation with the support of ONCB within the time frame of 2018-2029 in Mae Ai, Chiang Rai Province. The focus of the project is establishing fishery business, soil preparation, establishing forests, livestock breeding, handicraft business development, value-added products development and development of tourism in the region. The delegation also studied the listing of arms and analysis at No (5) Police Criminal Academy in Lampung Province.
On 24 August, the delegation visited the Doi Inthanon Royal Project area in Chiang Mai where fishery business is being carried out under the alternative development project, before discussing matters relating to Myanmar-Thai collaboration opportunities for establishing alternative development operations in poppy growing areas of Myanmar. Then the delegation headed to No (5) Provincial Police Force to study efforts of anti-narcotic drug operations, information sharing about drug criminal matters between the forces, the development in application of technology in identification of criminals starting from 2011 and investigation of money laundering.
The delegation visited No (333) Doi Saket shooting range in Chiang Mai Province to observe hostage rescue operations using automobiles and helicopters, drug crackdown operations and other demonstrations in the shooting range.
The delegation then discussed with the counterparts matters pertaining to opportunities of sending trainees from the Myanmar police force to Thailand, operations to be carried out between two forces, the current situations of seizing drugs, controlling the precursor chemicals, destruction of seized drugs and upgrading capacity of police members, the fruits of collaboration of two nations in cracking down drugs and more efforts to crack down narcotic drugs. The delegation arrived back in Yangon on 25 August. — MNA/TH

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