MoCRD Deputy Minister donates books authored by himself to IPRD libraries

The book title of ‘Efforts for the Recovery of Rakhine region Affected by Cyclone Mocha’ donation ceremony in progress in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.

In a generous gesture, Deputy Minister for Cooperatives and Rural Development U Myint Soe (Myint Soe-Natala), donated books written by himself to township libraries of the IPRD under the Ministry of Information. The ceremony, held at the meeting hall of the Ministry of Information in Nay Pyi Taw, saw the presence of Union Minister U Maung Maung Ohn, Deputy Minister U Ye Tint, and officials.
U Myint Soe’s books centred around the Mocha storm, encapsulate his experiences and collected information, providing insights into the recovery efforts in Rakhine State. During the ceremony, he distributed 100 copies of “Efforts for the Recovery of Rakhine region Affected by Cyclone Mocha” and shared his motivations for offering the book for free.
Deputy Minister U Ye Tint, returned a certificate of honour to U Myint Soe. Union Minister U Maung Maung Ohn expressed words of thanks, emphasizing the significance of the donated books for the rehabilitation of Rakhine State. He pledged to order District office of Information and Public Relations Department to keep these valuable records of collaborative efforts. — MNA/TS

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