MoALI allocates 960,000 acres for monsoon paddy from economic fund

A total of 15 million acres of monsoon paddy will be planted nationwide for the 2024-2025 financial year, of which 960,000 acres will be grown with the financial support of the State economic promotion fund, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Irrigation.
The monsoon cultivation project funded by the State economic promotion fund will be provided with the necessary inputs by the relevant departments, ensuring quality and affordability in a timely manner.
All the loans and service fees for the cultivation of green gram and summer paddy projects in 2022-2023 have been recovered in the agricultural sector operations using the State economic promotion fund. Efforts are underway to ensure farmers return all the loans and pay service fees for the remaining projects on time.
In the same way, agricultural water supply projects will be implemented from the State economic promotion fund in 18 townships across Mandalay, Bago, and Yangon regions, benefiting over 1,400 acres of plantations, 133 farmers, and 163 industries. — ASH/MKKS

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