MMPO honours outstanding students for 2024-2025 academic year

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Photo features awarding outstanding students of MMPO members.

According to Vice Chairperson U Aye Kyu Lay, the Myanmar Motion Pictures Organization (MMPO) held the 2024-2025 prize-giving ceremony to honour outstanding students and to provide financial aid at the MMPO building in Yangon on 22 June.
It is noted that, in addition to financial aid, school uniforms and stationery were provided to the school-age children of MMPO members. “A total of 178 students received supports, with K55,000 given to each student. We also provided them with books, umbrellas, stationeries, and school uniforms. Furthermore, we have been awarding outstanding students every year since the 2005-2006 academic year. For the 2024-2025 academic year, the organization honoured students with K100,000 for each distinction, Mingalar company K100,000 and actor Swam Soe San K100,000 to winners,” said U Aye Kyu Lay.
The organization provided rice, cooking oil and foodstuffs to organization members for the tenth time in April. — ASH/ TRKM

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