Misinformation: Security forces blaze Pyithaaye Village

Malicious news media are spreading false news that security forces in Madaya Township, Mandalay Region, burned down Pyithaaye Village on 18 June.
A responsible citizen who does not want violence said that terrorists are hiding themselves near the village. According to the report, the combined security forces carried out the necessary security measures in the area when the terrorists started attacking when they arrived near Pyithaaye Village. As a result, security forces returned fire, and the terrorists were killed, and some of them retreated and ran away from the village. The security forces continued to search and inspect some houses in the village where the terrorists took cover and launched attacks. According to a security official, two hand-made mortar, six handmade mines, five hand-made grenades and explosive-related materials were seized.
Subversive media outlets purposefully circulate propaganda by breaking news in and around the places where the security forces arrive, aiming to mislead the public about the security forces working to safeguard the area. — MNA/KZL

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