ME in Malaysia invites applications for 2025 religious titles

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The image shows a general view of the Myanmar Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The Myanmar Embassy in Malaysia has announced that monks, nuns, and laypersons can apply for 2025 religious titles by 15 July.
Every year, the Myanmar government offers religious titles to monks, nuns and laypersons, both at home and abroad, who study the Pitaka or adhere to the Vinaya or those engaged in religious propagation, as well as to individuals who donate four requisites (monastery, robes, alms, and medicines) to monks.
The government plans to offer two types of Pariyatti titles, Tipitakadhara Dhammabhandagarika title, three types of academic instruction titles for both monks and nuns, two categories of Dhammakathika titles, four types of religious propagation titles for monks and two types of religious propagation titles for nuns, two types of religious propagation titles for laypersons, three types of Kamma Patthana titles, four kinds of Sasana Nuggaha titles.
Monks, nuns, and laypersons in Malaysia who meet the criteria for these titles can apply by completing the specified application form and submitting the relevant documents. For inquiries, they can contact [email protected]. — TWA/TH

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