Manipulators in domestic gold market arrested

Currently, the government emphasizes forging peace and stability and rule of law throughout the nation. Acting on tip-off, relevant security forces exposed and arrested unscrupulous persons who manipulated gold prices which were not actually used in the domestic gold market dispersed through social media networks with attempts to undermine economic development of the State and destabilize the State economy.
In this regard, a total of 21 suspects including brokers engaging in illegal gold trading to destabilize the gold prices were arrested and they are under investigation.
According to their confessions, as security forces prepare to conduct further investigate ten more suspects who committed instability of prices in the domestic gold market, they evade from arrests of law enforcement bodies.
Severe level action will be taken against those 21 arrestees including illegal gold brokers committing instability of gold prices in domestic market and efforts are being made to take action against 10 evaded suspects under the law. People are urged to secretly inform relevant security forces about those evaded suspects. — MNA/TTA

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