Mandalay Region records 63.85% pass rate in 2024 matriculation exam

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Mandalay students checking 2024 matriculation exam results.

The 2024 Matriculation Exam results for Mandalay Region were released yesterday, revealing a pass rate of 63.85 per cent, with 12,414 individuals out of 19,442 candidates passing the exam.
The results were made public at 6 am yesterday at the respective exam centres and schools in Mandalay. Many students eagerly awaited their results, with teachers assisting students and parents in accessing them conveniently and systematically.
U Soe Myint Cho, Deputy Director from the Mandalay Region Education Office, stated, “This year, our region (Mandalay) achieved the third-highest pass rate nationwide. Three students from Mandalay Region made it into the top 10 list. This year saw the implementation of a new curriculum aligned with international education standards. Thus, passing this curriculum indicates that students meet international educational standards. The efforts of all educational staff and administrative bodies contributed to Mandalay Region securing the third-place pass rate”.
Ma Thet Myat San, who achieved six distinctions in this year’s matriculation exam and secured fifth place in the nationwide top ten list, commented, “I worked very hard to achieve this success. I consistently studied throughout the academic year. I am truly delighted with my results. While I expected to achieve only six distinctions, I am thrilled to have secured fifth place nationwide. I am delighted with my outstanding performance in the first year of the new curriculum”.
Ma Aye Phway Phway, who obtained five distinctions, shared, “I studied diligently every day since the beginning of the school year alongside my friends. I couldn’t sleep the night before the results were announced due to excitement. I plan to apply to medical university. With determination, students can achieve their goals”.
The Matriculation Exam results can be accessed at the respective exam centres, schools, and the Myanmar Examination Department website. Additionally, the Myanma Radio ethnic programme broadcasted the results of examination centres located in remote areas with challenging transportation.
Daw Mya Mya Than, Principal of the CAE private school, stated, “Our school achieved a pass rate of 99.2 per cent. Furthermore, we produced a student who obtained all distinctions with a total of 552 marks, ranking third in the nationwide top ten list. Such outstanding results are the outcome of collaborative efforts between students and teachers”.
Maung Aung Htut Win, who attained four distinctions, expressed, “I am pleased with my colourful results. I feel a sense of duty towards my parents. Seeing their satisfaction doubles my happiness. I aspire to become an engineer to serve my country as a dutiful citizen”.
Furthermore, a total of 17 inmates – 15 males and two females – from the Mandalay Central Prison exam centre took the exam this year. Among them, 14 male and two female inmate students passed, with three of them achieving one distinction each. — Maung Aye Chan/ TMT

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