Major rivers, including Ayeyawady, to rise in April

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A watercraft seen passing through a third narrow river of the Ayeyawady River.

The Department of Meteorology and Hydrology stated that the current water level may rise in some major rivers, including the Ayeyawady River, in April.
It is stated that the water level of the Ayeyawady River may rise by three to four and a half feet in the townships of Myitkyina, Bhamo, Shwegu, Katha, Thabeikkyin, Mandalay, Sagaing, Myinmu, Pakokku, and NyaungU. Additionally, in the townships of Chauk, Minbu, Magway, Aunglan, Pyay, Seiktha, Hinthada, and Zalun, the water level may increase by one and a half to two and a half feet.
Additionally, the department’s statement mentioned that the water level of the Chindwin River may rise by one foot to three and a half feet in the townships of Khamti, Homalin, Phaungpyin, Mawlaik, Kalewa, Mingin, Kani, and Monywa.
Similarly, the water level of Myittha River can rise by one foot in Kalay Township. The Dohtawadi River is expected to increase by about a half to one foot in Hsipaw, Shwesayan, and Myitnge. Sittoung River’s water levels in Toungoo and Madauk are about a half to one foot higher than usual, and the Shwegyin River’s water level will rise by one foot in Shwegyin.
The Bago River’s water level in Zaungtu and Bago may increase by approximately a half foot to one and a half feet. Meanwhile, the Thanlwin River in Hpa-an may rise by one and a half feet, the Thaungyin River near Myawady by a half foot, and the Ngawun River in Ngathaingchaung, Thaboung, and Pathein are expected to rise by nearly a half foot to one and a half feet.
The Toe River in Maubin will likely experience a rise of about one foot, while the Bilin River’s water level in Bilin may rise by a half foot. — TWA/TRKM

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