MAJA announces JLPT 2024 guidelines

An announcement on dos and don’ts for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test 2024, which will take place soon, was released on 21 June by the JLPT organizing committee, Myanmar Association of Japan Alumni.
It states that the JLPT 2024 has been scheduled to sit on 7 July, and manual test vouchers were already issued until 20 May 2024.
Online applicants can download test vouchers until 7 July and bring them to the exam station by printing them in colour. Showing it on the phone screen is not allowed, and all candidates will have to arrive at exam stations by 8 am.
Along with the test voucher, all candidates will have to bring one of their original citizenship scrutiny cards (either 10-year-old CSC or 18-year-old CSC), unexpired passport, unexpired driving licence (motorcycle licence is not allowed as it doesn’t include the date of birth), birth certificate (under ten years old applicants only), and ID card of religious organization members (novices, monks and nuns). Showing it on the phone screen is not permitted, and candidates won’t be allowed to sit the exam if they don’t have a test voucher or any of the identification mentioned above.
If the manual test voucher gets damaged or lost, the candidate can retake it at the exam station office on the exam day, and an original ID card and two photos are required. If the original ID card gets damaged or lost, the original recommendation of the ward authorities or police station is issued in three months, and a copy of the identity card or ID card is required.
Registration number, exam time, date and place are included in the test voucher, and candidates have to wait in restricted areas inside the campus and are warned to avoid crowding.
Further, only 2B and HP pencils are allowed, and stationery and CSCs or any identification card are required to be included in a transparent file. Backpacks and handbags are not allowed to be brought into the exam room, and candidates must leave them outside the campus. — MT/ZS

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