Maha Samaya Day celebrated at Shwedagon, Kaba Aye pagodas

The 1386 ME full moon day of Nayon (Maha Samaya Day) was celebrated at the Shwedagon pagoda yesterday.
Yangon Region Chief Minister U Soe Thein, regional ministers, members of the pagoda board of trustees, religious organization members and pagoda staff offered alms meal, flowers, water, fruit and candlelight to the pagoda, and offerings donated to Ovadacariya Sayadaws of the Shwedagon Pagoda.
Participants then took Nine Precepts from Ovadacariya Sayadaw State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee member Sasanadhaja Dhamma Cariya Bhaddanta Kancana. After the ceremonial procedures, they shared merits.
Afterwards, religious organizations and staff of the pagoda worship the pagoda, going round it in a clockwise procession and reciting the Maha Samaya Sutta.
Similarly, the 1386 ME full moon day of Nayon (Maha Samaya Day) was celebrated at the Thiri Mingala Kaba Aye Pagoda on the same day. — Ko Ko Zaw (MNA)/KTZH

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