Laos hosts 22nd Special Meeting of Senior Officials of Agriculture & Forestry

The 22nd Special Senior Officials Meeting of the 44th Meeting of the ASEAN Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry Plus Three took place through videoconferencing on 22-23 August. The event was hosted by the Laos People’s Democratic Republic.
During the high-level officials’ meeting on agriculture and forestry, Dr Thetsaka Saphangthong, Director-General of the Policy and Legal Department under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Laos, chaired the session. Discussions included insights from the 40th and 41st ASEAN Summits, the 29th ASEAN Economic Minister’s Coordination Meeting, and the 42nd ASEAN Summit.
Attention then turned to the review of 16 major initiatives undertaken in 2023 and the presentation of six proposed significant projects for implementation in 2024.
Additionally, the 22nd All-ASEAN Agriculture and Forestry Ministers’ Meeting held a special session with high-ranking officials from Laos, China, Japan, and South Korea acting as co-chairs. Discussions focused on enhancing cooperation in the agricultural and forestry sectors between ASEAN and these countries. Key topics included the ASEAN emergency rice reserve and the food security information system.
The 8th ASEAN-Russia Agriculture and Forestry High-Level Officials Meeting emphasized collaborative efforts in the food sector and the advancement of agricultural and forestry projects. The meeting entailed discussions and negotiations about future processes. — MNA/KZW

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