Kawthoung border to hit US$18M trade target for June

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A fishing boat at the Kawthoung coast.

The Kawthoung border for Myanmar-Thailand trade is set to achieve a trade target of US$18 million for June, according to the Ministry of Commerce.
The trade value as of mid-June was estimated at $10.247 million, which accounts for 56.9 per cent of the target.
Fisheries exports at Kawthoung are operating with a free onboard system (FOB). There is always a trade surplus at the Kawthoung border post.
Myanmar sent 318.954 tonnes of fisheries worth $0.36 million, 7,192.967 tonnes of agricultural produce worth $1.696 million and 273.7 tonnes of other goods worth $0.098 million to Thailand between 11 and 15 June, totalling $2.155 million.
The Ministry of Commerce has been prioritizing trade promotion. Thailand grants zero tariffs for maize imports between 1 February and 31 August yearly. Myanmar conveys maize directly from Yangon Port to Ranong Port. Some are exported through the Kawthoung border as well.
As of 15 June, 46,709.856 tonnes of maize valued at $10.596 million were exported to Thailand through the Kawthoung-Ranong border. — NN/EM

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