Kampaiti border trade surpasses target for May

The value of border trade at Kampaiti exceeded its trade target for May, the Ministry of Commerce’s statistics showed.
Kampaiti border aims to achieve a trade target of US$37 million for May 2024, comprising exports worth $35 million and imports worth $2 million. The actual trade value hit $40.34 million in May, including exports worth $28.6 million and imports worth $11.7 million, performing 109 per cent of the trade target.
The main export items as of 31 May in the 2024-2025 financial year beginning 1 April were tissue-culture banana, sesame, rice beans, lablab beans, lima beans, butter beans, green gram, red kidney beans, white kidney beans, small red bean, watermelon, chilli pepper, dried chilli, dried mango slice, tamarind with seed, fresh areca nut, black cardamom, coffee bean, onion, petrified wood and aluminium scrap. Meanwhile, capital goods, intermediate goods, construction materials, consumer goods, fruits and CMP raw materials were imported.
The export volumes between 28 May and 1 June 2024 were 2,318 tonnes of tissue culture banana worth $0.806 million, 459 tonnes of rice beans worth $0.311 million, 366.2 tonnes of lablab beans worth $0.332 million, 136 of lima beans worth $0.092 million, 101 tonnes of small white kidney bean worth $0.077 million, 613.6 tonnes of butter bean worth $0.607 million, 33.04 tonnes of red kidney bean worth $0.031 million, 135.8 tonnes of green gram worth $0.106 million, 39.99 tonnes of peanut worth $0.050 million, 34 tonnes of black-eyed peas worth $0.025 million, 70.9 tonnes of black cardamom worth $0.142 million, 177 tonnes of dried chilli pepper worth $0.262 million, 342 tonnes of onion worth $0.125 million, 102 tonnes of dried mango slice worth $0.016 million and 83.5 tonnes of tamarind with seeds worth $0.019 million.
The main import items are hollow pipe, iron pipe, ceramic tiles, tyres, tangerine, apples, pears, clothing, fuel oil and CMP raw materials. The import volumes stood at 106.49 tonnes of capital goods worth $0.183 million, 61 tonnes of intermediate goods worth $1.689 million and 511.5 tonnes of consumer goods worth $0.294 million. A combined team, including one-stop service agencies and departments concerned, is making efforts to ensure smooth trade flow and bolster exports. — NN/KK

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