ISR Judo Championship stars to boost national team

The Inter-State/Region Judo Championship 2024 was launched at Wunna Theikdi Gymnasium A in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday morning, attended by members of the State Administration Council.
On the occasion, Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Union Minister for Sports and Youth Affairs U Min Thein Zan delivered a speech, saying that athletes have to show off their brilliant sports skills to be able to bring victories to their relevant regions and states.
He stressed the need to systematically nurture new generation athletes who will come out from this championship to secure victory in the XXXIII SEA Games to be held in Thailand in 2025, adding that it is necessary to draw the projects to select selected players.
The Union minister kicked off the championship after his opening speech.
The SAC members, the Union ministers and officials watched competitions of athletes in the under-42 kilos men’s single event, the under-57 kilos women’s single event and the under-38 kilos men’s single on the first day.
The championship lasts for four days, from 4 to 7 June, with the participation of 269 athletes from 15 men’s and women’s teams from regions and states. — MNA/TTA

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