India Technical and Economic Cooperation Day 2023 celebrated

The ceremony to commemorate the India Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Day 2023 was held at Park Royal Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw on Tuesday.
Union Minister for Electric Power U Nyan Tun, Indian Ambassador to Myanmar Mr Vinay Kumar, departmental officials, former ITEC trainees and invitees attended the event.
Speaking at the event, the Indian ambassador said the Indian government has been providing short and long-term capacity-building training courses under ITEC since 1996 and more than 20,000 Myanmar trainees have completed training sessions so far.
“It is kind of proud to see the ITEC trainees in their respective workplaces applying the knowledge they have learnt during training sessions. It will also conduct suitable training in Myanmar,” he added.
The Union minister continued to say the Indian government provides necessary training courses for the staff to develop human resources, and a total of 137 trainees from the power sector have been sent to India for training between 1998 to May 2023. Moreover, it also sent 126 trainees to the ITEC-related training programmes.
He also called for an increase in the number of trainees and extension of the training period.
He proposed to launch training courses for solar, wind and hydropower generating and power transmission through the transnational grid.
ITEC’s previous trainees exchanged their experiences and a documentary video clip about ITEC was screened.
The second secretary of the Indian Embassy in Myanmar then expressed words of thanks. The Union minister had a documentary photo taken together with the Indian ambassador and attendees before having dinner with them. — MNA/KTZH

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