Increase in demand leads to higher paddy price in Ayeyawady Region

photo 2024 06 12 16 48 19
Farmers are threshing and packing paddy in Ayeyawady Region.

In Ayeyawady Region which is the main rice producer of Myanmar, paddy demand has been on the rise in this early monsoon season, resulting in surge in price, said Ayeyawady Region Rice Millers Association chairman U Soe win.

Price varies depending on the market situation and currently, demand has increased again, he said.

“Paddy price has slightly risen back in Ayeyawady Region. At present, price of lowest-grade paddy is nearing to K1.9-K2million for 100 baskets weighs 50 pounds. It is because of high demand, not concern the paddy production. The price varies depending on the market demand,” he said.

In the region, more than 3.7 million acres of rain-fed paddy and more than 1.4 million acres of summer paddy have been planted, and ploughing and seedling have been already made and farming will start around the end of June, according to residents.

Daily labour charge is K7000-K8000 and it costs about K700,000-K800,000 to grow paddy per acre, including labour charges.

Ayeyawady is a region which grows paddy mainly and its production can provide the domestic food security and even export to overseas countries as well as other regions and states of Myanmar.



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