Imports of COVID-19 devices and essential medical supplies continued

The Ministry of Commerce is making efforts to ensure people have access to the essential medical supplies that are critical to the COVID-19 prevention, control and treatment activities, including liquid oxygen and oxygen cylinders, arranging continuous importation on public holidays.
Yesterday, a total of 45 tonnes of liquid oxygen, 4,967 liquid oxygen storage containers, 2 oxygen plants, 2 oxygen generators, 1,156 oxygen concentrators, 11,340 PPE suits, gloves and masks were imported via airways and border trade points.
Two vehicles carrying 40 tonnes of liquid oxygen were transported to Yangon and one oxygen plant each in Yangon and Nay Pyi Taw, respectively.

It is reported that the Ministry of Commerce is coordinating with relevant departments, facilitating the importations of essential medical supplies required in prevention, control and treatment of COVID-19, as well as contact persons for inquiries can be reached through the Ministry’s Website — — MNA

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