Illegal timbers, petroleum, foodstuffs, medicines, toys, mobiles, ceramic tiles and vehicles seized

Htee tan sskm
Seized illegal toys.

SUPERVISED by the Anti-Illegal Trade Steering Committee, action is being taken to prevent illegal trade under the law.
Under the instructions of the Chairman of the Anti-Illicit Trade Task Force, a combined inspection team made inspections at the Meyan Combined Checkpoint on 14 June.
They seized over K1.32 million worth of 95 cartons of juice with marijuana seals which were suspected to consist of marijuana without official documents from a passenger bus and the action was taken under the Customs Procedures.
In addition, five cartons of eye drops, which exceeded the Import Declaration (ID), worth K5 million were captured at the Yangon Airport Cargo Warehouse (airport import desk) under the supervision of the Customs Department and the action was taken under the Customs Procedures.
On 15 June, inspections were carried out at the Asia World Container Checkpoint under the supervision of the Customs Department.
K10.5 million worth of a Hyundai Grace car and K11 million worth of a Kia Pregio van which were abandoned by owners without the expiry date of the import declaration (ID) were seized and the action was taken under the Customs Procedures.
Similarly, the Myanmar Industrial Port Container Checkpoint seized K8.232 million worth of various toys that exceeded the Import Declaration (ID) and the Hteedan Port Container Checkpoint captured K2.532 million worth of various toys that exceeded the Import Declaration (ID). The action was taken under the Customs Procedures.
In addition, Myanmar Police Force confiscated six gallons of illegal liquor at an estimated value of K95,000 in Matupi township and the action was taken under the Municipal Law, Chin State.
On 15 June, the combined team captured 150 gallons of illegal crude oil and related materials at an estimated value of K3.005 million in Thayet township and the action was taken under the Myanmar Petroleum and Petroleum Products Law.
Similarly, on 16 June, a total of 3.929 tonnes of illegal timbers (approximately K1,822,152) were seized in Aunglan and Kanma townships and the action was taken under the Forest Law.
On the same day, Kawkareik (Tadakyoe) Checkpoint captured K1.920 million worth of ceramic tiles and K3.430 million worth of 35 mobile phones and the action was taken under the Customs Law.
A total of 9.5008 tonnes of illegal timbers (approximately K665,056) in Bogale township were confiscated under the supervision of the Ayeyawady Region Anti-Illegal Trade Task Force and the action was taken under the Forest Law.
On 17 June, the inspection team led by the Bago Region Forest Department made inspections in Bago township.
They captured a total of 2.5120 tonnes of illegal timbers worth K1,520,448 and the action was taken under the Forest Law.
Therefore, 20 arrests (approximately K51,042,156) were made on four consecutive days from 14 to 17 June, according to the Anti-Illegal Trade Steering Committee.—MNA

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