Illegal timbers, construction tools, diesel oil and vehicles seized

jv9Vhwtv 11
Officials confiscate illegal timbers.

Supervised by the Anti-Illegal Trade Steering Committee, action is being taken under the law against illegal trades across the country.
At the Myanmar Industrial Port Container Terminal Checkpoint, officials captured K4,305,000 worth of construction tools that were not declared in the import declaration on 13 May. The action was taken under the Customs Law.
In addition, on 17 May, the inspection team led by the Forest Department under the Bago Region Anti-Illegal Trade Task Force made inspections. They captured 6.1096 tonnes of illegal timbers at an estimated value of K1,489,406 in the forest reserve areas of Bago and Toungoo Districts. The action was taken under the Forest Law.
Similarly, on the same day, the combined inspection team confiscated K127,800,000 worth of 15,975 gallons of pure diesel oil from four 12-wheel trucks at an estimated value of 140,000,000 in Kanbalu Township. The action was taken under the Petroleum and Petroleum Products Law.
Moreover, Police confiscated an unregistered Canter car at an estimated value of K6,000,000 in Monywa Township and the action was taken under the Export/Import Law.
Therefore, on 13 and 17 May, 12 arrests were made (an estimated value of K279,594,406), according to the Anti-Illegal Trade Steering Committee. — MNA

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