Illegal timbers, Charcoals, petroleum, materials, foodstuffs, consumer goods, boats and vehicles confiscated

SUPERVISED by the Anti-Illegal Trade Steering Committee, effective action is being taken to prevent illegal trade under the law.
A Coast Guard patrol vessel 566 under the instructions of the Taninthayi Region Anti-Illicit Trade Task Force conducted inspections on 18 August.
Officials nabbed K12 million worth of an illegal fishing boat and related materials about six miles northeast of Kyunpyagyi island in the Kawthoung district. The action was taken under the Myanmar Marine Fisheries Law.
Similarly, on 23 August, a combined team led by the Myanmar Police Force captured 180 jerrycans of edible oil (made in Thailand) worth K10.8 million and 20 cartons of instant vermicelli packets worth K960,000 from a Nissan car (approximately K25 million) heading from Myeik to Mawlamyine. The action was taken under the Customs Procedures.
In addition, on 21 August, a combined inspection team under the management of the Magway Region Anti-Illegal Trade Task Force confiscated a total of 22.5432 tonnes of illegal teak worth K14,653,080 in Kamma township and the action was taken under the Forest Law.
Forty-eight gallons of crude oil worth K96,000 were seized in Minhla township and the action was taken under the Myanmar Petroleum and Petroleum Products Law.
On 22 August, an on-duty team made inspections at the warehouse of Yangon International Airport and captured K11,035,250 worth of industrial material parts that had arrived 92 days before an approved licence and K10.5 million worth of an X-ray machine and related materials that had arrived 65 days before an approved licence. The action was taken under the Customs Procedures.
Afterwards, a total of 0.9102 tonne of illegal teak parquets worth K600,732 from a Nissan AD Van car (approximately K30 million) were confiscated in North Okkalapa township and the action was taken under the Forest Law.
On 23 August, a combined on-duty team impounded K1,750,000 worth of foodstuffs that were not declared in the Import Declaration (ID) from a vehicle heading from Myawady to Yangon at Kawkareik (Tadakyoe) Combined Checkpoint and 800 pairs of lady shoes worth K3,360,000 that exceeded the Import Declaration (ID) from a vehicle heading from Myawady to Yangon at the Thanlwin Bridge Combined Checkpoint. The action was taken under the Customs Procedures.
In addition, an inspection team confiscated 271 bags of charcoal worth K810,000 that were illegally carried at the Yadanabon Bridge Combined Checkpoint.
On 24 August, a team led by the head of the Bago Township Customs Department under the management of the Bago Region Anti-Illegal Trade Task Force conducted unexpected inspections near the Phayagyi Tollgate.
They captured K15,119,000 worth of foodstuffs without official documents from a Mitsubishi Fuso 12-wheel truck (approximately K40 million) heading from Myawady to Yangon. The action was taken under the Customs Procedures. Therefore, 20 arrests (approximately K176,684,062) were made on 18, 21, 22, 23 and 24 August, according to the Anti-Illegal Trade Steering Committee. — MNA

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