Heat stress leads to shrunken, crumpled wings in honeybees

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A glimpse of beehives.

The Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department warned the beekeepers of the deformed wing virus (DWV) induced by extreme temperature, causing twisted, shrunken and crumpled wings.
DWV threatens the European honeybee population and lowers mite fertility owing to the heat stress during the May-July period. It can trigger the loss of nurse bees as well.
The department notified the beekeepers of managing pests and diseases and beekeeping practices to protect the honeybee from DWV.
Beehives must be located in shady places. Beekeeping practices include managing parasites and pests, providing adequate access to water and good ventilation, and the need to balance honeybee and bee larvae better. Furthermore, feeding sugar water with a sprinkle of salt to honey bees is required. The department also encouraged starting a business with new beehives. The beekeepers must inform the nearest office of the township apiculture development division and Myanmar Apiculture Association of any detected bee disease.
Myanmar exports honey to China, the Republic of Korea, Japan, Thailand, the US and Singapore. Myanmar shipped over 2,200 tonnes of honey to foreign trade partners in the 2023-2024 financial year (April-March).
Myanmar’s beekeeping businesses are mostly found in Sagaing Region, Mandalay Region, Magway Region and Shan State. Myanmar produces sesame honey, jujube honey, niger honey, sunflower honey, lychee honey and flower honey. Myanmar’s honey production is estimated at over 4,000 metric tonnes annually. Sixty per cent went to foreign markets, while the remaining was designated for domestic consumption.
Honey is utilized as a traditional medicine in the country. There are some state-owned beekeeping stations with 6,200 beehives in 31 townships and over 950 private beekeeping businesses operating with nearly 200,000 beehives.
Moreover, two million acres of crops yearly contribute to bee pollination every year. Beekeeping businesses near the crop fields contribute to the successful yield of the crop as well as quality bee production. — NN/EM

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