Gems art painting market active recently

Some gems paintings found in the market.
Some gems paintings found in the market.

According to the information that has been asked, the stone painting market is becoming a business as more and more stone paintings have been hung up in shops, offices, and houses in recent times.

“There has been a lot of interest in gems painting lately, because it is a gift item. It is valued as a painting and as a gift, and there are transactions for hanging at home. Most of them are bought for decoration in shops, houses, and offices. They sell well. People take the picture they want, and some are for the company’s logos. They also give landscape pictures,” said the Myint Yadana Gems Painting and Gemstone Company in Chanayethazan township.

In addition, the gems painting is one of the arts that should be preserved, and the price varies depending on the size and type.

“The price varies depending on the design and size of the painting. First, we have to prepare the lines for pencil drawing on the background sheet. Then, we draw the background with a pencil. Then we place gems on it. It should be preserved,” he said. – Thit Taw/ZN

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