Entrepreneur urges garment workers to use official channels for China

photo 2024 06 26 15 59 08
A garment business in China.

As there are many opportunities, including wages, if a worker goes to work in Chinese garment factories, they should only go through official channels, an entrepreneur has advised through The Global News Light of Myanmar (GNLM).
With a shortage of labour in Chinese factories these days, many Myanmar workers have gone to China to find jobs, including some illegal workers, he said.
“There are factories on the Chinese border in Shweli. We encourage those who go legally. They should do it well because wages are good. If they go illegally, they only earn what they are given. Another advantage is free allowances for utilities such as water, electricity, and food. If you go through the official government-to-government, you get a higher salary. If they know a little Chinese, they can keep up with others,” he said.
Despite some leaving for overseas, there are also advantages to working in Myanmar’s garment sector depending on the skills, he added.
“Some capable workers are now also well paid in Myanmar. If you are not capable, you can’t earn much. The money will follow those who really work hard,” he said.
The garment factories in Myanmar have received orders until December this year, which means there are good opportunities until the end of the year. — MT/ZN/ED

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