Further 2000 shade trees to be planted at Mt Popa

photo 2024 06 14 13 14 52
The green landscape of Mt Popa and some planted trees.

At Mt Popa which is called the oasis of Anyar (central Myanmar), further 2000 shade trees will be planted, according to Yenanthar Dingar Brothers parahita group.

As from 2019, the local philanthropic group initiated this project with about 10,000 trees at Mt Popa and some of those trees are getting tall at human height and now they have planned to grow further trees.

“We went to observe the location for growing trees at Mt Popa last week. We will need to choose types of trees. Yellow champa (sagarwar) and mango trees which are able to survive will be included. We started growing trees at Mt Popa in around 2019 and 2020 and planted about 10,000 trees. This year, we will plant further about 2000 trees because we have initiated similar project in Yenangyoung and Chauk townships. In particular, we will grow trees for humans, monkeys and birds to help them to take shelter and eat fruits. Mango can be eaten by both visitors and monkeys,” said Ko Yenanthar Dingar from the parahita group.

Furthermore, 10,000 perennials have been slated to grow inside and outside of a parahita park located by Yenangyoung and Magway road in this monsoon season.

Yenanthar Dingar Brothers is a parahita group which builds lakes, zayats and roadside drinking water pots (yechansin) in Yenangyoung Township and surrounding areas.

Thit Taw/ZS


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