Fresh black-eyed peas enter Mandalay market at high price

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The harvest time is earlier than the previous years. It fetched K120,000 per three-basket bag last year, whereas the price climbed up to K152,000 per bag this year.

he newly harvested black-eyed peas are flowing into the Mandalay market at a high price.
The harvest time is earlier than the previous years. It fetched K120,000 per three-basket bag last year, whereas the price climbed up to K152,000 per bag this year. The opening price is pretty high this year, according to Soe Win Myint depot.
“The bean is also known as Nadaw bean as it is usually harvested in the early Nadaw month (ninth month on the Myanmar Calendar). Some regard this as a gem as it allows the farmers to earn well every year. It is mostly delivered to external markets; India, China, Japan and European countries. European countries prefer black-eyed beans. Furthermore, the border post is going to resume its operations on a trial run soon. Consequently, Chinese buyers are going to purchase for sure”, Soe Win Myint, an owner of the depot elaborated.
It is primarily produced in Kyaukse, Madaya, Singu, Wundwin, Thaedaw, Monywa, Pakokku, Salin, Sinphyukyun, Hinthada, Zalun and Kayan Thongwa townships.
Myanmar has shipped more than 48,336 tonnes of black-eyed peas to the international trade partners as of 20 August in the current financial year 2020-2021 since October 2020, generating a revenue of US$26.7 million, Myanmar Customs Department’s statistics showed. — Min Htet Aung/GNLM

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