False claims by Tachilek News Agency regarding Mandalay Obo Prison dismissed


The subversive media outlet Tachilek News Agency’s Facebook page deliberately circulated false news on 7 June, claiming that prisoners in Mandalay Central Prison were facing hardships due to overcrowding beyond designated capacity. This misinformation aimed to mislead the public.
Mandalay Central Prison consists of two buildings – a main building and a new building. Each inmate is housed in an 18-square-foot room, and there have been no reports of overcrowding beyond the designated capacity.
The prison ensures an adequate supply of clothing for both male and female inmates. Clothing racks are available in the shared cells, making it easy for prisoners to dry their clothes.
Moreover, inmates receive proper medical care from prison doctors and health workers at the Obo Prison. Upon arrival, new prisoners undergo thorough inspections for skin infections and diseases, with daily ointment applications if needed. Each inmate is provided with sufficient water for morning and evening showers, with an allowance of about 48 gallons of drinking and utility water per day. There have been no reports of inmates suffering from rashes, hives, or other issues due to inadequate clothing.
There are no political prisoners at the facility, nor incidents of inmate-on-inmate violence. Pregnant women, female prisoners, and mothers with children are housed separately. They receive supplemental food and undergo daily medical checks. Vulnerable prisoners receive monthly provisions of food and clothing, while children are vaccinated with assistance from the township health department.
Therefore, the Tachilek News Agency is intentionally spreading misinformation to deceive the public. — Min Thu/TMT

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