Falls in salt prices persist

Salt farmers stressed salt prices dropped at a slower pace in Mon State’s salt market.
The price was K190-200 per viss for sun-dried salt in early November. Then, the costs dipped to K145-155 per viss on 12 December.
As it is the time of salt harvesting, salt processed from those blocks will soon flow into the market, salt farmers said.
Salt production commenced in mid-September in Mon State. Harvesting raw salt is from December to January.
Salt produced in Mon State are distributed to Taninthayi, Bago and Mandalay regions. In addition to domestic demand, it is exported to foreign markets upon the purchase offer.
In the last week of September, Myanmar signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with a company from South Korea for salt exports. It shipped a container loaded with 20 tonnes as a trial run, and further exports are bound to happen.
Additionally, a container carrying 20 tonnes of raw salt from Panga village, Thanbyuzayat Township, Mon State, was preliminarily exported to Japan in August.
Mon State, the second largest producer in Myanmar, yearly produces 40,000 tonnes of sun-dried salt, beyond magnesium chloride (MgCl2), iodized salt (I2) and table salt (NaCl), with 12 salt processing factories. — NN/EM

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