Drugs seized in some townships this week

A combined team of anti-narcotics forces searched the home of Zaw Min Naing (aka) Zaw Khaing in Selsu Village, Kyuntetpe Village-tract, Dekkhinathiri Township, at 1 pm on 17 July and confiscated 152 stimulant pills plus 0.001 kilogramme of heroin.
According to further investigation, anti-narcotics forces also searched the home of Zin Min Oo (aka) Gadone in 3rd Chindwin Street, Shwekyapin Ward, Zabuthiri Township, at 3 pm on the same day and found 2,400 stimulant pills and 0.005 kilogramme of heroin. Likewise, police stopped and searched a Hino Profia driven by Aung Htet Ko Ko and Naing Tun (aka) Naing Naing Tun, Khun Aung (aka) Aung Hein, and Than Tun Lin on board at 8 am on 14 July and found 5,250 kilogrammes of the prohibited chemical sodium cyanide.
Next, officials arrested Thet Paing Soe (aka) Thet Paing at the 21st-mile checkpoint of Myitkyina at 5 pm and Nann Oo and Htet Lin in Thetkon Ward, Myitkyina, at 8 pm. Similarly, officials seized 6,800 hydrogen peroxide and 4,125 kilogrammes of caustic soda from a 12-wheel vehicle driven by Naing Win and Aye Ko Win onboard near Than Village, Than Village-tract, Kyaukse, at 9 pm.
On the same day, officials confiscated 1.085 kilogramme of Ice, 5.55 kilogrammes of ketamine, 16,150 ecstasy pills, 0.319 kilogramme of Happy Water and K130,000 while searching hotel room No 411 where suspect named Maung Maung Khin and Qing Sheng (aka) Aryone staying between 53rd and 54th street, 39th street, Yemontaung Ward, Mahaaungmyay Township, at 1:30 pm on 16 July.
Offenders were prosecuted under the drug law. — MNA/KZL

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