DMH issues flood warnings as river and creek levels surge

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The flood in Homalin on 7 July 2024.

According to the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (DMH), the water levels in the Ayeyawady, Dokhtawady, and Chindwin rivers, as well as the Nanyin and Nankaung creeks, have been surging. In nearly 20 townships, the water level is at or above the flood stage.
DMH announced that the water level of the Ayeyawady River is higher than the critical point in Bhamo, Shwegu, Katha, Thabeikkyin, Mandalay, Sagaing, Myinmu, Pakokku, and NyaungU.
The Dokhtawady River is expected to reach the critical water level in Myitnge within the next 36 hours. The Chindwin River’s water level may remain above the critical level in Khamti, Homalin, Phaungpyin, Mawlaik, Kalewa, Minkin, Kani, and Monywa. Therefore, DMH has warned residents in low-lying areas and near riverbanks in these 20 townships to be on alert.
“I would like to say that those planning to return to the villages around Homalin Township and those coming for work should not come. Due to the flood, communication is available only in Homalin and nearby areas. The entire township of Homalin is flooded, and the guesthouses are already full. The water is still rising,” said a Homalin resident. — TWA/TKO

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