Discussion held on conveyance of Buddha’s tooth relic from China to Myanmar

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The opening ceremony of the 60th Anniversary of Buddha’s tooth pagoda in progress.

The conveyance of the sacred Buddha tooth relic from China to Myanmar for the fifth time was discussed during the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the completion of the Buddha’s tooth pagoda in Beijing.
As per an invitation from the Buddhist Association of China, a Myanmar delegation, including Chairperson of the Myanmar-China Friendship Association Chair of the Yangon Region Sangha Nayaka Committee Sayadaw Dr Aggasami, and three members of the Sangha attended the opening ceremony of the Buddha’s tooth pagoda in Lingguang Temple from 18 to 22 June.
Approximately 70 individuals, including Sayadaws, monks, and Buddhists from Cambodia, Korea, Laos, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam, and 500 individuals from China, attended the event.
Most Venerable Yanjue, the chair of the Buddhist Association of China, cordially greeted the visitors, provided Dhamma gifts, and urged collaboration to preserve the Buddha Sasana among nations.
The opening ceremony was convened by the vice chair of the Buddhist Association of China Sayadaw Mahasaddhamma Jotikadhaja Most Venerable Zhan Chan. Buddhist monks from the attending countries consecrated the sacred Buddha’s tooth pagoda and prayed for global peace.
The sacred Buddha’s tooth relic from China was first conveyed to Myanmar in 1955, and subsequently in 1994, 1996, and 2011. — ASH/TMT

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