Digital Economy Development Committee holds 1/2024 meeting

State Administration Council Member Deputy Prime Minister Union Minister for Transport and Communications General Mya Tun Oo, in his capacity as Patron of the Digital Economy Development Committee (DEDC), addressed the 1/2024 committee meeting yesterday in Nay Pyi Taw.
In his speech, the Deputy Prime Minister said the effective use of digital systems in administration, basic infrastructure, trading, education and social sectors could balance the digitalization in each industry and develop the digital economy of the State as well as the global value chain.
Human capital plays a crucial role in digital transformation, and the digital transformation in education, health, and the social economy can grab the development of the digital economy.
He continued that the meeting will discuss the final draft of the Myanmar Digital Economy Roadmap 2030 and urged the participants to discuss proper suggestions to enhance the activities of DEDC.
Union Minister for Commerce U Tun Ohn, chairman of the DEDC, then discussed the need for Myanmar’s digital economy roadmap to conform with three economic affairs of 12 objectives of SAC, e-commerce and digital economy commitments under discussion by the World Trade Organization (WTO) and regional countries of ASEAN, the Myanmar Digital Economy Roadmap 2030 (final draft) and cooperation with respective working committees.
Moreover, the officials of five working committees and attendees participated in the discussion.
The patron of the committee made proper instructions and concluded the meeting.
The meeting focused on the creation of a living document of the Myanmar Digital Economy Roadmap 2030 (final draft) and future work plans. — MNA/KTZH

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