Deputy S&T Minister engages with engineering students at Nay Pyi Taw Technical Institute

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Deputy Minister Dr Aung Zeya observes a small model of the institute’s electricity distribution system of engineering students from GTI, Nay Pyi Taw, recently.

Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Dr Aung Zeya had a cordial meeting with first-year engineering students at the Government Technical Institute in Nay Pyi Taw on the afternoon of 7 June.
Following this, the Deputy Minister reviewed research projects by third-year engineering students, which included a variety of innovations such as a robot for cleaning the pagoda platform, a restaurant service robot, an electric wheelchair with rider control, modern household furniture like bookshelves, EV racing cars, and a small model of the institute’s electricity distribution system. The Deputy Minister stressed the importance of teamwork for the success of these projects and encouraged the students to strive to become skilled technicians dedicated to public service throughout their careers.
Subsequently, the Deputy Minister held discussions with officials and students from Nay Pyi Taw GTI to introduce courses tailored to local needs, foster teamwork and creativity among students, and prepare them to compete in international technological competitions.
Following these discussions, he concluded the event by presenting fiction and non-fiction books, including books on civics, for the school library, to the school principal and awarding prizes to outstanding students in research.
Finally, the Deputy Minister inspected practical activities in workshops, functions of the school library, and the installation of a solar system for aesthetic enhancement at the school’s main hall. — MNA/TKO

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