Deputy Information Minister inspects workflows in Mandalay, Magway regions

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Deputy Minister for Information U Ye Tint meets head and staff of NyaungU District IPRD.

The Deputy Minister for Information, U Ye Tint, inspected the office of the Department of Information and Public Relations in Kyaukpadaung Township, Mandalay Region, yesterday morning and met with the head and staff of the township IPRD and the head of Popa retransmission station.
In the afternoon, the Deputy Minister gave instructions on work process to the heads and staff of NyaungU and Pakokku District IPRDs and officials.
At the meeting, he urged them to emphasize information and education measures, cooperate with relevant departments in improvement of youths, and attract the people to public libraries for raising reading habit and increasing readers.
He added that as most of them are local employees, they have to focus on development of the region with goodwill more than just dutiful efforts.
Next, the Deputy Minister donated robes and cash for nine prerequisites to monasteries in Lanywa Village-tract of Pakokku Township, Magway Region, visited libraries of the villages, and donated books. After that, he met with the village administrator and the headmistress of the middle school and the teachers and discussed peace and tranquility of the area, development and improvement of youths.—MNA

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