COVID-19 vaccines distributed to respective regions/states

Military doctors, health workers and civil society groups are working hard to provide health care services, and the COVID-19 vaccines are being transported by Tatmadaw (Air) and motor vehicle as per cold-chain standards.
A total of 179 doses of Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine, 8,210 doses of Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine and 1,819 doses of Covishield COVID-19 vaccines to Myitkyina, 738 doses of Sinopharm, 14,682 doses of Covishield to Sittway, 150 doses of Sinopharm, 3,000 doses of Sinovac and 4,546 doses of Covishield to Kengtung, 51 doses of Sinopharm and 910 doses of Covishield to Loikaw, 56 doses of Sinopharm, 200 doses of Sinovac and 910 doses of Covishield to Loikaw, 56 doses of Sinopharm, 200 doses of Sinovac and 910 doses of Covishield to Dawei, 63 doses of Sinopharm and 3,146 doses of Covishield to Myeik, 33 doses of Sinopharm, 175 doses of Sinovac and 1,819 doses of Covishield to Kawthoung, 203 doses of Sinopharm, 13,048 doses of Sinovac and 3,455 doses of Covishield to Lashio were transported by Tatmadaw aircraft yesterday.
Officials have received them and will distribute them to the relevant authorities, authorities said. — MNA

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