Cooperate with health staff in fighting TB

The government is implementing the national strategic plan 2021-2025 in cooperation with local and foreign partner organizations as part of efforts to ensure the people stay away from major infectious diseases.
Currently, a plan is underway to decline the outbreak of tuberculosis disease in the country to less than 10 TB patients per 100,000 people in 2035 under the national strategic plan. In this regard, health institutions such as hospitals, clinics and rural health centres are playing a pivotal role in implementing the strategic plan.
On a recent day, the annual TB evaluation meeting took place at the Ministry of Health where the Union Minister for Health stressed the need for analyzing the strong and weak points of the work process in regions and states based on their experiences, adding future plans should be discussed openly.
Thanks to collaborative efforts among the Ministry of Health, partner organizations and the people need to beef up the plan for enabling the people to have easy access to basic healthcare services and strive for achieving the set missions in 2030.

Health staff members from different health institutions search for TB patients in society for luring them to take medical treatments for a brighter future. Thanks to their efforts, the number of TB patients is declining year by year in order to build a safe society free from tuberculosis, one of three major diseases TB, malaria and HIV/AIDS.

The six components of the Stop TB strategy are: pursue high-quality DOTS expansion and enhancement, address TB/HIV, Multidrug-Resistant TB and the needs of poor and vulnerable populations, contribute to health system strengthening based on primary health care, engage all care providers, empower people with TB and communities through partnership, and enable and promote research.
Health staff members from different health institutions search for TB patients in society for luring them to take medical treatments for a brighter future. Thanks to their efforts, the number of TB patients is declining year by year in order to build a safe society free from tuberculosis, one of three major diseases TB, malaria and HIV/AIDS.
Only when the current generation is free from TB impacts can new generations build a healthier society and environment. If so, healthy youths will have the capacity to build a powerful country in the future.
As a saying goes: if you want success and growth in the future, the best time to act is now, all the entire people of Myanmar including authorities and health personnel should start the efforts to accelerate the enhancement of the health standard of the people with the fulfilment of healthcare services in full swing so as to lessen infection of tuberculosis disease among other common diseases. Those wishing to see a healthy nation in the future need to join the project of TB control.

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